Traditional Music and Contemporary Scottish Jazz Music
Tue 27th
13:00 - 13:20
Scottish traditional music manifests itself not only within traditional music scenes but also within the music of many Scottish musical artists that span a myriad of styles and backgrounds. One of the most fascinating areas of intersection occurs when traditional music and contemporary jazz come together to create music that is distinctive, energetic and emotive. How and why are these two separate musical styles able to merge so effectively?
My talk will attempt to address this question by examining the specific motives behind the work of these composers and performers as well as how this affects the experience of the listener. I will discuss how this music counters negative stereotypes of jazz and instead presents itself as highly engaging contemporary music. With this talk I hope to give a brief insight into some of the innovative jazz music that is being created and performed today within Glasgow's holistic music scene.
Fergus Hall
College of Arts
My name is Fergus Hall and I am a musician from Inverclyde currently in my final year of a Bachelor of Music Degree. I have been playing music for most of my life and my greatest interest is how various styles and practices of music can relate to one another. For this reason I often let my work as a musician and composer inform and be informed by my interests as a researcher and insistent listener of music. For example, jazz music, the main focus of my talk, has been a passion since my early teens. Now jazz is one of my biggest influences as a composer, was the subject of my dissertation and I also even occasionally attempt to play it!When I am not playing, writing or reading about music I love attending gigs all over Glasgow or meeting with friends to talk about the next project.