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Intuition in Medicine
Tue 27th
16:40 - 17:00
This piece of research questions the role of intuition in clinical reasoning, particularly its application in triage decision-making in an Emergency Department. Once considered fundamental for decision-making, the concept of intuition has lost traction within the medical field, with movement towards an evidence-based model of practice (clinical practice based on scientific data).
Recent studies have conflicting definitions of intuition. It is difficult to research a concept that does not have a clear universal definition. This piece of research proposes a definition of intuition whilst distinguishing it from instinct. This definition highlights the potential common ground between two seemingly conflicting concepts, intuition and evidence-based practice.
Research is collated from theoretical and empirical sources. The results highlight the potential application for intuition in clinical practice, particularly in an Emergency Department.
Finn Campbell-Young
College of MVLS
It was during my time studying Nursing at The University of Bordeaux that I cultivated my interest in Emergency Medicine. This brought me back to my hometown of Glasgow where I am now in my first year of Medical School.The concept of intuition is something that has intrigued me throughout my time working in Emergency Departments. Its elusive nature and subjective characteristic has led to it often being misunderstood. I hope to clarify this concept and argue its place in the medical practice of today.Apart from spending my time reading lecture slides and looking up weird X-Rays on the internet, I enjoy all things sport-related. I play rugby, surf, race long-distance triathlons and wind-down by walking my three dogs.

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