The Relationship between Citizenship and Human Rights
Tue 13th
16:40 - 17:00
Recent crises revolving around migration, multiculturalism and xenophobia could suggest that citizenship – a political concept that ought to ensure individual’s human, civic and political rights – has become the basis of exclusion and social fragmentation. However, looking at the construction of modern citizenship concept between 1750-1850 reveals that from its very inception, citizenship as a political status has been utilized to exclude and control marginalized groups of the society.
Looking at France, the US and Haiti from a historical perspective, this research is relevant to historians and non-specialists alike, as it adds depth to the perception of contemporary problems. Why is France so sensitive to cultural pluralism? What determines USA’s stance on migration? Why is Haiti so poor despite pioneering independence in Latin America?
Citizenship is an important topic today, because many people find themselves constrained on these grounds, and historical insight offers a useful lens to understanding this problem.
Kristina Plioplyte
History and Politics
College of Arts
History is my everlasting fascination. I always thought that learning about the past is key to a better understanding of who we are and where we come from. Therefore, whatever your interests might be, history can aid in making sense of the world around us. That is the beauty of history’s interdisciplinarity. The past four years of university have offered me some amazing opportunities, most notably, an exchange year in the University of Toronto, where I got interested in Caribbean history, and an Erasmus+ training course in France, focused on the topic of migration. These experiences motivate me to seek an academic career, and also influenced the choice of this research topic.Aside from university life, I love to explore the world by dancing and traveling. I believe that each person met along the way can teach us something, and enrich our personalities if we only open our minds. Volunteering in Glasgow's 4water society has certainly been a case in point.