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Vlastníci: A horror disguised as a comedy. A deep dive into the Czech film The Owners (2019) and its commentary on modern democracy.

Sai Gupte

Digital Media and Information Studies



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Vlastníci [The Owners] (2019) directed by Jiří Havelka is a satirical comedy on the condition of Czech society and democracy as a whole told through the lens of a homeowners association meeting. The cast of the film represent the varying different types of people and communities in modern politics and how they interact with one another, where their conflicts only highlight their dysfunction. This research aims to answer the question “To what extent is Vlastníci a horror rather than a comedy.” This is answered by analysing characters and their effect on each other including which groups and communities they symbolise such as minorities and those in high power. The analysis on the outcome of these interactions itself is a metaphor for modern politics in a diverse and developing world. Through this film, we see representation of oligarchs, the usage of populism and push back against progress and development in favour of doing things “the old way”. As the film is based on real life, it provides commentary on the chaotic and endless debates over time sensitive issues, paralleling the impending doom of a crumbling building. The type of chaos through debate seen in the film is recognisable in major governing bodies such as the votes cast over the eight provided alternatives to Theresa May’s deal for the House of Commons to take before Brexit, eventually reaching the conclusion of all eight options being rejected. The best description of the film and its outcome are both summarised by its last dialogue: “Nothing happened.”


S. A. Gupte
Digital Media and Information Studies
I am Saara ‘Sai’ Amit Gupte, a second year student of Digital Media and Information Studies at the University of Glasgow. I am from Mumbai and moved to Glasgow for my studies and have had a chance to discover and follow more of my passions. I have always had a passion for literature and media, spending time to analyse each new interesting piece of media, hence I took on the subject Comparative Literature as an elective. I discovered the film Vlastníci through Comparative Literature and took an immediate liking towards it. Through Dr Jan Čulik’s classes and passion, I took an interest in the film, eventually falling in love with it myself, which drove me towards my research. I aim to change my degree to a joint honours in order to pursue Comparative Literature with Digital Media.

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